The Forget Me Not Literary Annual for 1834

Poetess Archive: Collections

List of the Plates, Forget Me Not, A Christmas and New Year's Present for 1834     

List of Plates

front The Great Balas Ruby; (art.) Hart, S. A., A. R. A; (eng.) Bacon, Frederick
67 Chains of the Heart; (art.) Cawse, J.; (eng.) Davenport, Samuel
95 The Mother's Picture; (art.) Stone, Frank; (eng.) Goodyear, Joseph
125 The Church of St. Pierre at Caen; (art.) Prout, Samuel, F. S.; (eng.) Carter, James
159 Hamilton's Revenge; (art.) Franklin, J.; (eng.) Davenport, Samuel
193 Cupid Caught Tripping; (art.) Davis, J. P.; (eng.) Davenport, Samuel
227 Victoria; (art.) Richter, Henry; (eng.) Rolls, Charles
301 The Hong Merchant's Garden; (art.) Westall, Richard, R.; (eng.) Goodall, Edward
327 Scottish Haymakers; (art.) Kidd, W.; (eng.) Mitchell, James
354 Julia; (art.) Wood, John; (eng.) Engleheart, Timothy
P P Presentation Plate; (art.) Pugin, A; (eng.) Kelsall, W. H.

Date: 1834 (Web page revisions: 04/30/2006) Author: (Web page revisions: Zach Weir).
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